Increase Your Cash-Flow to Grow!
The Canadian government promotes innovation through the use of scientific research & experimental development (SRED) tax credits. to encourage Canadian businesses to perform in house research and development the government will award these SRED tax credits as a tax aid. Although this tax credit is very beneficial if your business is eligible, not many businesses are taking advantage. It is estimated that less than 15% of eligible companies actually are actually applying for SRED tax credits. Consequently these companies are missing out on a substantial 35% refund from the Canada Revenue Agency.
Birdi Chartered Professional Accountant can provide a number of services to help your business benefit from SRED tax credits. First, our team can assess your company to verify that it is eligible for these cash and/ or tax credits. The CRA provides an in depth list of qualifications for businesses who are unsure of their eligibility. Once eligibility has been confirmed, Birdi CPA’s staff can work with a credible SRED Consultant to advise your business to ensure it meets program requirements. As a result, your business can thrive while also remaining eligible to receive SRED tax credits. The most successful companies are then able to allocate these credits to further SRED campaigns.
Free Consultation
At Birdi CPA we strongly believe that the customer comes first. Therefore we offer a consultation at to address your concerns. Feel free to ask us questions that you have about SRED tax credits. Don’t be apart of the 85% of businesses that are missing out on this opportunity! Just give us a call or contact us through our website to book your free consultation because we want to help your business succeed.